Chance or Design?

JMT Newark Apr-08 InviteBLUEall

In this nice little gallery in Newark I shall be showing an assortment of pieces: mixed media, cast paper, recycled materials and some artist’s books.

The idea is to illustrate the interplay between intention (design, plan, intellect) and serendipity (chance, spur of the moment, accident, inspiration even!).

For me there always has to be an element of risk in each piece, no matter how carefully I may have thought about it in advance. I can wreck a piece at any moment. Or it might be possible to salvage it and even improve on the original. But it’s no good playing safe: the end result will be tame and unrewarding.

And I suppose this is why I toil over some some pieces while others almost do themselves. Careful planning, yes. But happy chance and a willingness to engage with it: there’s nothing like it!

Do come and see the show. Or go to Brighton. (Better, both.) Myself, I need a rest cure!