Instead of always displaying work that’s complete, that looks as if it were done from start to finish according to one plan or sweep of ideas, I thought it’d be interesting to start showing some unfinished pieces. Some struggle into existence over days, weeks, even (occasionally) years. Just a few spring into life in one fell swoop. Joyous and liberating when it happens. But I think you need the alternation between hard graft and spur-of-the-moment, perspiration and inspiration. It’s just like writing or (I imagine) composing: you need to be able to get right into the detail, but also pull back and be your own editor, to cast a cold eye over what you’re doing.
Recently there’s been a lot of perspiration after an unintentionally long break from proper work in the studio. I need unbroken time to get through the barrier of over-editing, being too critical, too hard on myself. There’s a moment when, after lots of thought and/or hard work, everything seems poised and ready for action, resolution and completion. I thought I’d got there this week but there have been more interruptions (good as well as bad!). By next week some of these pieces (and more) should be taking their final form.