Monthly Archives: September 2012

Leaving York

Image of York Station

Leaving York

Just back from a visit to family in Newcastle and York. Summer’s over, back to work. Luckily I made a batch of paper on one of the last warm sunny days before we left, so it’s now dry and waiting for the next steps.

Waiting for the train at York station I had another chance to enjoy the wonderful sweep and curve of the station, and took lots of photos. I want to have another go at this suject, larger and maybe more abstract. Here, Leaving York, is the first attempt I made earlier this year. It went on show at our Artists’s Open House at Wolf at the Door and was sold there and then.

When this happens I hardly have time to get used to a piece, especially when I start a new one straight afterwards. I have to go back and look at the photos!

Art in a Gazebo – at Sussex Prairies

Unusual Plant and Art Fair. This wonderful event was held on Sunday at the fabulous Sussex Prairies, a garden started only five-ish years ago by Paul and Pauline McBride on inherited farmland.

It’s a mass of colour and shape and form: swirling drifts and blocks and mass plantings with little paths cutting through the concentric circles of the borders. At this time of year the paths are secret and semi-hidden which adds to the mystery and sense of discovery.

As to the plants and art, the plants were numerous and choice. A bit less art, and I don’t know how unusual it was (in my case) but it’s the first time I’ve showed art in a mini gazebo (as opposed to a large marquee). It didn’t rain heavily, just a mizzle in the morning, and there were thousands of punters. They weren’t in an art-buying mood, it has to be said, but it was a very enjoyable experience.

Other Wolf at the Door exhibitors were showing there, including Si Uwins and Alex Moore. And I have been invited to have work on display next season in the new garden room at Sussex Prairies – which leads to new thoughts of botanically-inspired work….