One Million Points of Light

I’ve just revisited this interesting project started by renowned holographic artist Andy Pepper in 2006 – and it’s still there to see. Have a look; artists in over 120 countries ‘lit up’ blocks, singly or in a pattern, on a grid. The number of visits to each block was counted. I joined it in 2007 or thereabouts and, at random I confess, was featured as artist of the month in July 2008:

The piece used to illustrate it was my section of an Exquisite Corpse. This was made of recycled materials and put together as a whole with two other artists, John Lincoln and Stuart Goodacre as the centrepiece for a joint exhibition. The Torso has hung on my walls since; I’ve not tried to sell it as I have a sentimental attachment to the old geezer.

However, times move on, it’s good to move things on and out and create new mental space. The Torso (which has a beating heart – honestly!) has been on show with Nicholas Bowlby and in the course of things will probably pass out of my life. So here is a picture of the whole piece again:

and me putting it together:

I have several new large pieces nearly finished – not quite ready to photograph yet. The weather has been excellent for making and drying paper!