Monthly Archives: November 2014

The Wolf in Winter

Brighton Beach Huts

Brighton Beach Huts

We don’t usually do an Artists’ Open House at Christmas. In all honesty most people have other things on their minds than buying paintings. On the other hand they are looking for presents, and many people are fed up with some of the over-priced, stereotyped gifts on sale.

However, we have so many talented friends and neighbours: artists, writers and craftsmen. And we have a lovely ready-made venue. We know quite a lot of people between us all. They might even enjoy looking at some lovely things – and perhaps buy a few.

I’m a great believer in collaboration so we’re all collaborating – to offer a Wolf at the Door pop-up. One weekend only, Saturday 6/Sunday 7 December

WATD Xmas-14 flyer
WATD 2 Beach Hut Writers

We’ll be having silver jewellery and glass from Campoli & Nelson, whose lovely work we have shown many times. Also original felt and paper jewellery from Small Bird Singing, plus a raft of Beach Hut Writers, all local of course, with their own signed books. A graphic novel, a thriller, children’s fiction, a debut novel, much more.

There will be paintings and cards by Mary Rayner, much-loved children’s author, and some small ones of my own including my recent series of Brighton Glimpses, mixed media on reclaimed cedar wood blocks.

These smell wonderful and work much better singly or ideally in small groups. They should also keep moths at bay! I had assembled them as one large framed piece but haven’t exhibited it because, simply, it’s just too heavy and bulky. The individual blocks feel chunky but light and, all being well, will be in simple white frames.

Winter bandstand

Winter bandstand

Camera Lucida

Camera Lucida

Hove Park

Hove Park

Beachside Culvert

Beachside Culvert