A brief lull after the month-long hurly-burly which is Brighton&Hove’s mammoth Artists’ Open House. Time to draw breath, take a critical look at things and update this blog and other things. Brighton Festival is launched, the town is full – and it’s Election Day.
I’ll do another update after next weekend, by which time my other exhibition, at Pelham House, Lewes, will have ended. Instead of lots of words, here are some pictures. First, my Election Special, Show of Hands. Based on prehistoric cave paintings, but a universal theme. Sold on the first day!
Here are some close-ups of the detail: acrylics, inks, pigments and dyes on marouflaged board.
And something quite different – and much smaller. Little paintings on reclaimed cedar blocks made specially for the Open House. Local scenes, semi-abstract, mixed media.