Monthly Archives: May 2016

Night Skies, bright days and art galore

Jill's work in the sitting-room

Jill’s work in the sitting-room

The Brighton and Hove Artists’ Open House is in full swing and The Wolf at the Door has been welcoming visitors.   There’s far more of my own work on display than usual – not an attack of megalomania but the result of last-minute changes.

Through extremes of weather, scorching and stormy, Andrew Jones’s mesmerising kinetic sculpures have continues to twirl, quiver, rotate and drift, to universal delight.

sculptures moving in the wind

Andrew’s kinetic sculpture

New glass by Joe Campoli

New glass by Joe Campoli

Joe Campoli’s glass has sparkled and Linda Calvert’s translucent lamps have glowed alluringly, whether in the sunshine or the gloom.

Bone china lamps by Linda Calvert

Bone china lamps by Linda Calvert

Penny May has sold a very Big Fish carved in Zimbabwean stone to Her Majesty’s official Fishmonger.  (Not to mention Prince Charles.)  We can be sure it’ll be appreciated.

Big Fish and the Queen's Fishmonger

Big Fish and the Queen’s Fishmonger

Lisa Cirenza, while preparing for a solo exhibition in Covent Garden which begins next week, has managed to print and finish and frame some of her experimental, meticulously-prepared digital work.  Just watch out if you’re travelling on the Underground and see the woman opposite making covert sketches on her i-pad!

digital print of hand-finished i-pad sketch

‘Taint Easy Bein’ Green’ by Lisa Cirenza

I also have my new mega-canvas made to commemorate the Battle of Hastings, with borders inspired by the Bayeux Tapestry.  One of my Night Sky series – there are five or six on show here and they’ve been attracting a lot of comment. (Favourable, I add hastily!)  You can see the image below in Philippa Hammond’s lovely and informative blog on the Open Houses:

Tattersallq-156x300 Philippa blog


We’ve tried to create light and space and I’m pleased with how all the art looks hung in this way.  Colour rules!  Upstairs we have natural materials, stone, earth pigments – slap up against cutting-edge digital technology.  And it works!

Work by Penny and Jill in the upstairs gallery

Work by Penny and Jill in the upstairs gallery

Elsewhere we have hot-coloured paintings,  vivid digital portraits and luminous glass creating splashes of colour set against quiet sea and sky tones  and glowing lamps.

Quite a few red dots appeared on the first weekend and have continued, though last Sunday was quiet owing to the blazing sunshine and the attractions of the beach which was packed.  We have three more weekends to go and some wonderful work to show, so do please come and also tell others about it.  Best show yet.  In my view.