Where has the time gone?
More than a month has gone since the last post. Such a busy month. Taking down and returning art and sculpture after five weeks of Artists’ Open House (five weeks is TOO long). A brief week in, reputedly, the hottest spot in Europe – which was itself experiencing a heatwave. Andalucia, so beautiful, so so cripplingly hot for early June. Then straight into organising our weekend event, Art and Gardens, here at the Wolf at the Door.
Art and Gardens
This happened on 16th/17th July. Art indoors and out. Above you can see my ‘Botanica’ series and on the left the beautiful plant-and-garden-based scrolls by Rea Stavropoulos. (Rea’s own exhibition, based on the art of Helen Allingham, is currently on at Burgh House, Hampstead.)
We wondered if we’d get many visitors as it was an unofficial happening, but it was well attended, the weather was beautiful and everyone really enjoyed themselves, including the participants. Idyllic, really – which is what makes it all worth doing. Though each time I think, never again…such a lot of work to organise.
To do or not to do?
It’s the eternal dilemma. How much time to spend actually making work: painting and looking and thinking and planning? How much time for publicity, that ever-proliferating demand on our efforts ? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogging…let alone press-releases, approaching galleries, seeking out exhibitions and opportunities, a never-ending list? Workshops and talks?…not to mention updating the website…
Extra events
How much time to give to purely voluntary events like ‘Art and Gardens’ – collaborative and community-orientated, intended to bring pleasure to all and opportunities for the artists? Very time-and energy-consuming, though. Is it a luxury? Should I do any more, I ask? Do I spread myself too thinly? Writers have agents (though some fear they’re a dying breed); few artists have the benefit of a firm but kindly (we hope) external eye to comment and guide.
Seascapes in Lincoln
I omitted to say that straight after Art and Gardens I promptly set off with eight paintings for an exhibition in Lincoln, where I had my first sizeable solo show way back in 2003. Just in case you live or are going anywhere near there, the exhibition is at Harding House Gallery in Steep Hill, thus named for a purpose! – let’s not detail the difficulties of delivering large pictures up a near-precipice in another heat-wave! On till 27th August, called I must go down to the Sea Again, curated by Soo Durham. No pics as yet.
There’s quite a lot in the pipeline, including some more far-flung locations for shows so I’ll try my best to post again soon. If you’d like to see our tallest kinetic art exhibit, click on Andrew Jones’s weather-vane video below!