Monthly Archives: November 2017

Paintings on show, art fairs, racing, and Christmas treats

art show in York UK

Art& show, York, October

Mea culpa, it’s been a long time since the last blog post.  What with Instagram and my Facebook artist page it’s difficult to keep up, let alone make paintings and show work and do all the other things.  Yes, I know we all have similar problems whatever our line of work!

Painting: Looking from the Cliff

Looking from the Cliff – sold at the Affordable Art Fair

The Affordable Art Fair came and went.  I was thrilled to sell a large piece to someone who’d bought a favourite painting of mine there in 2013 and kindly contacted me through Instagram to let me know.  (There, I knew it was worth doing those updates.)  Also a brand-new Harvest Moon on which the paint was barely dry.

York Art Fair Oct 17

Jill’s work at Art&

I travelled north to the lovely city of York to take part in the Art& Art Fair,  which took place in the large, attractive and well-lit Knavesmire Grandstand of York Racecourse.  (‘Knavesmire’  makes me imagine a muddy medieval apprentice jockey!)  I wrote about the Fair in my Wolf at the Door newsletter – link here.   Last time I visited that racecourse was long long ago when I was seven, wearing my new party dress and a family watch from my grandmother, which fell off and got lost.  Disaster!  I was so lucky – it was found and returned to me  and I still have it.

long greenhouse

Peach House, Allerton

Afterwards we had a quieter few days staying in an air b’n’b on the estate where the Secret Garden was filmed.  (Once seen, never forgotten….)  Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/diner and…a glass peach house all to ourselves  which must have been 100 feet long. Only half of it shows on the photo!

Artists' Open House on the seafront

Nigel Rose Gallery, Christmas Open House

I’m lucky enough to be part of the Nigel Rose Gallery‘s Christmas Artists’ Open House – which is  a lovely trouble-free way to to do this three-week stint.  A complete rehang; seven of my paintings are there for the next two weekends at least.  The gallery is right on the Brighton/Hove sea-front right opposite the beautiful skeletal West Pier.  You can watch a murmuration of starlings, browse Nigel’s collection of local art plus artefacts from all over the world – loads of affordable Christmas presents.  Next you might try the i-360 for an aerial view of the city,  and finally stop off for a meal at Murmur restaurant next door. If you still have any dosh.

Siobhan's treats

Siobhan’s goodies at the Wolf at the Door

We may not have the stamina for a full Artists’ Open House, but we are going to pop up for the Wolf’s Winter Weekend – make a note for your diary if you’re anywhere near us. 9th-10th December, 11-5, 49 Hove Park Villas (just up from Hove Station). Mention this post and I’ll give you a couple of free cards!  An attempt to add a bit of joy to life in these complicated times – no need to buy anything – you’re welcome just to come and have a look round and a chat.  There will be glorious refreshments (plus edible and culinary gifts) from Siobhan of Table Brighton. And paintings, books, sculpture, jewellery and kinetic art from talented friends and neighbours. As affordable as we can make it.

I have so much to catch up with.  I’ve also recently joined Rise Art, an excellent selective and supportive online selling platform: do check it out  here.     And I’ve  begun the long task of inventorising  all my present and past work on Artwork Archive. This should  make entering work for exhibitions and competitions, preparing catalogues and list of work and making labels a lot easier.

My next significant art date in the New Year will  be in Hampstead at the lovely Burgh House – taking part in an exhibition of seascapes by women painters.  But that’s next year… .