Exhibitions and Events

Jill’s art news– making, showing, news, events

Exhibitions & Events

Jill's painting at the AAF

Night Sky 1066, Affordable Art Fair

I’ve shown work in galleries and other venues all over the UK, with many solo shows.  My work’s in collections all over the world from Tasmania to Peru, New York to Rwanda!  I and my studio The Wolf at the Door moved five years ago from Brighton/Hove to the city of York, UK.

Exhibitions and Events.  Art shows, fairs, media and other interesting happenings.

Sun on the Sea poster on display at Hyde Park Corner Tube station.


-23 January-13 March 2025: Rise Up! Five-artist exhibition at Rise, Bluebird Bakery, Acomb, York. Large walls, large paintings!

-21 March-10 May NYOS exhibition at Craven Arts, Skipton.

-8 May – 3 July 2025 Solo exhibition at Rise, Bluebird Bakery, York – details to follow.

-11 July to 20 July NYOS Exhibition, Ampleforth – details to follow

I shall be taking part for the first time in North Yorkshire Open Studios in 2025: 7/8 and 14/15 June. I shall not be taking part in York Open Studios (April) – I was not selected – although as usual my studio will be available to visit if I’m in.

– I am taking part again in Telephone, a worldwide collaborative project in which ‘artists whisper a message to each other in the form of a piece of art, which each player translates into another medium.’ I have recently submitted my reaction to my ‘prompt’ (a piece of music!).

– I am proud to say my work is on show online via the new TDB Fine Arts Gallery in the Turks&Caicos Islands.


-7th-8th December 2024, 10-4pm : Winter Open Studios. Part of a local trail of York artists. Intrepid visitors came despite Storm Darragh!

-27th November – 13th December 2024 For Your Convenience : Exploring Convenience Culture through an Artistic Lens Norman Rae Gallery, University of York. An exhibition exploring consumerism, waste and global damage.

-2nd-16th October Art Below; a poster of my work was on display at Hyde Park Corner Tube station in London.

-13th/14th/15th September Staithes Festival; Yorkshire artists showed work in this lovely seaside town, former home of the artist group including Dame Laura Knight.

-1st September SmARTArt charity auction, Knavesmire, York: my contribution was sold!

-3rd-27th May, 2024, four weekends, Brighton and Hove Artists’ Open House, at Art in Bloom, Hove.

-13th-14th, 20th-21st April 2024 , York Open Studios, at my new studio, 11 Mt Parade, York.

-6th-7th April, Taster Exhibition, The Hospitium, Museum Gardens, York, 10am-4pm

-June 3rd, York Artworkers Association, talk on my work and inspirations, 7.30, Southlands Methodist Church.

-2nd-3rd December 2023. informal Open Studio at my new address, Mt Parade,York, 10-4 pm

-19th September – 6th October, ‘Abstract’, group exhibition, Fronteer Gallery, Sheffield

-26 September-17 October, ‘Earth, Air, Fire, Water‘, group exhibition, Open Gallery, Halifax

31st July – 21st August ‘Bring Me Sunshine!’, solo exhibition, CityScreen, York. A look at our mad times via the prism of art, using anything from handmade paper and finest pigments to squashed drinks’ cans and other recycled and found materials.

I was one of four judges for the impressive SCAF (Scott Foundation Creative Arts) award for emerging artists June/July 2023. https://www.scafemergingartist.co.uk. (I also helped judge the previous year’s final round.)

-6-23 May 2023 Brighton and Hove Artists’ Open House, four weekends 6-23rd May, at Art in Bloom, Hove

-15-16, 22-23 April 2023 York Open Studios, 10-5, Wolf at the Door

-19-20 November 2022, Christmas Open Studio , Wolf at the Door

-8-22 October Sussex Contemporary Exhibition, British Airways i-360 Brighton

-A selection of my paintings were on display for an extended period at the Marriott Hotel, York

-June 25 and 26 #tae exhibit: postcard exhibition and sale in aid of Encephalitis Society, at the Hiscox Building, York

-25 June – 31 August Summer Exhibition, D31 Gallery, Doncaster

-May/June 2022, Group exhibition, Westside Artists, Angel on the Green, York

Other events:

I  have taken part in the Artists’ Support Pledge – more on this special page and via my Instagram page. (Work on sale at or under £200)

I took part in two lockdown multi-artist collaborations:

-The Grapevine Project: 120 writers and artists: https://thegrapevineproject.co.uk/about

– The global Telephone project, ‘a game of art whispered around the world’ https://phonebook.gallery/

-4 weekends in May 2022, Artists’ Open House (Brighton Festival)  at Art in Bloom, Hove

The Artist’s House, York; selected paintings on show during March and April

-2-3, 9-10 April 2022, York Open Studios

-8th Jan to 5 Feb 2022 ‘Celestial Bodies‘, Fronteer Gallery, Sheffield: small night sky paintings

-21 Jan to 13 March 2022  Into the Blue, group exhibition by Westside Artists, Pyramid Gallery, York

-16 Oct to 28 Nov 2021 Art in the Mill, Knaresborough: Westside Artists group exhibition

-8 August to 11 September, Solo exhibition: Dark into Light, Upstairs Gallery, City Screen, York

-25 June to Sun 26 Sept 2021 Blossom St Gallery,  York: ‘Momentum‘, Westside Artists group exhibition

-10-11, 17-18 July, York Open Studios 2021

-Night Sky paintings at Blossom St Gallery, York, joint exhibition

-4 weekends in June 2021, Artists’ Open House (Brighton Festival)  at Art in Bloom, Hove

– 8 December-end January 2021, Immersed.  Exhibition by Westside Artists, Village Gallery, York. T

-13th December, 10-5, York River Art Market online:  #yramathome @yorkriverartmarket. Work, large and small, at special low prices.

The following events were cancelled or postponed:

– 2021 Paper Festival , 3-month exhibition at Manchester Central Library

-1 to 29 December, Solo exhibition: new work, Upstairs Gallery, City Screen (Picture House, York)

-13-14, 20-21 June, 2020  Art in the Garden, Wolf at the Door, York

-2-3, 9-10, 16-17, 23-24 May 2020, Artists’ Open House (Brighton Festival) at Art in Bloom, Hove

18-19, 25-26 April 2020 York Open Studios 2020, Wolf at the Door, York

4-5 April York Open Studios Taster Exhibition, St Saviour’s, St Saviourgate, York

Events before lockdown:

-13th-27 July: Art Below. A billboard poster of my painting, ‘Seaside Past’,  on display this summer at Hyde Park Corner Tube Station, London

-16-26th July Art below Summer Show, Ad-Lib Gallery, Chelsea

-15 February – 26 April  Open Exhibition, Ferens Gallery, Hull

-15 January – end February, Urban Decay, Blossom St Gallery, York

-14 January – 24 February, Two-artist exhibition, Angel on the Green, York, with Lesley Peatfield, photographer

-17 January – 23 February 2020 York Artworkers Association,  Pyramid Gallery, York

-11 January – 27 February 2020 Anne Bronte p.200:  200 Artists, 200 pages, Woodend, Scarborough

Flux Review, inaugural issue, featured artist

– 1 December, Open Studio at Wolf at the Door, York

– 6 April 2019 – 5th February 2020 ‘Positive Emotions‘, Kunsthuis Gallery, Crayke, N Yorks

– 4th-27th May 2019 Artists’ Open House (Brighton Festival) with  Art in Bloom, Hove

Nigel Rose Gallery, Brighton. Paintings   regularly on view at the gallery

– 6th-7th and 13th-14th April 2019 York Open Studios, York

mini-interviews, Flux Exhibition

Jackson’s art blog, interview

– March 14th-17th 2019 FLUX exhibition, The National Army Museum, Chelsea

-31st October-11th November 2018 Art: a Personal Choice, Babylon Gallery, Ely

-18-21 October 2018 Affordable Art Fair, Battersea (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)

-25th-29th  July 2018, Women in Art: Holly Bush Emerging Woman Painter Prize 2019, Burgh House, Hampstead (finalist)

-5th-28th May 2018 Artists’ Open House (Brighton Festival) at Wolf at the Door, Hove

-8th-13th May 2018, Perspectives, Espacio Gallery, Shoreditch, London

-11th-15th April 2018 FLUX Exhibition, Chelsea College of Arts, London

-21st February-4th March 2018 Seascapes and Waterways, Burgh House, Hampstead

-25th November-10th December 2017: Nigel Rose Gallery, King’s Rd Arches, Brighton : seven paintings on show for Artists’ Open House.

-9th-10th December 2017 The Wolf’s Winter Weekend, Wolf at the Door, Hove.

-27th-29th October Art&York  2017, York Racecourse

art show in York UK

Art& show, York

– October 19th-22nd 2017 Affordable Art Fair, Battersea (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)

Battersea Art Show

‘Murmuration 2 ‘ at the Affordable Art Fair

Murmurations 2 shortlisted for the National Open Art Competition 2017

-22nd June-22nd  July   Art Below Summer Show, Mayfair (rose&king gallery)

Night Sky Oct 14th 1066 on show  (Night Sky 1066 poster on show in Regent’s Park Underground Station).

Art Below, Regent’s Park Station

– 10th-14th May  Affordable Art Fair, Hampstead (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)

-A nine-minute film about me and my work made for Latest TV by Katerina Nemcova, https://mab.to/6Un9JyJsv

-6th-29th May Artists’ Open House  (Brighton Festival) at Wolf at the Door

New collage work

New work in the garden room: ‘New Life’ series.

-9th-12th March Affordable Art Fair, Battersea (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)

-17th-19th March  Talented Art Fair, Old Truman Brewery, London

art fair stand

Jill’s work at TAF

-18-30th November  Winter Exhibition Amanda Aldous Fine Art, Basingstoke

-20-23rd October Affordable Art Fair,  Battersea, London.

-October 9-23 Reading the Heavens, solo exhibition, Battle Memorial Halls: featuring  Night Sky October 14th 1066  made to commemorate the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings. Bordered by panels based on the Bayeux Tapestry.

Town Cryer at exhibition

The Battle Town Cryer

Recent articles on my current  1066 painting and Night Sky exhibition: Sussex Life,   Reading the heavens: Sussex Life ; and Hastings Online Times:  Reading the Heavens

-September 1- 22 Opportunities, L ‘Artishe Gallery, Swanage

-August: Murmuration, Before the Storm shortlisted for the National Open Art Competition

– July 25-August 29 2016, I Must go Down to the Sea Again, Harding House Gallery, Lincoln. (eight seascapes/sea-related paintings  on show ).

-July 16/17 2016 Art and Gardens, Wolf at the Door; paintings and 3-D work

-April 30-May 30 2016 Artists’ Open House, Wolf at the Door, Brighton Festival-

-November 28-29th 2015 Wolf Pop-up: Christmas show-March 2016 Affordable Art Fair, Battersea

November 2015 Pecha-kucha about my work at Towner Gallery, Eastbourne, for the Blue Monkey Artists’ Network,

– October 2015 Telling Tales, month-long solo exhibition, Abbey Hotel, Battle.  Included a special commentary on each of the 30 paintings, specially prepared for Battle Festival

-August-September 2015 Green Tree Gallery, Borde Hill, autumn exhibition

-May 2015 Artists’ Open House, Wolf at the Door, Brighton Festival

-May 28- July 6 Seeing Words, Marking Time Terre Verte Gallery, Launceston, Cornwall

-April 1-May 12 2015 Jill Tattersall and Marc Greco, joint exhibition, Pelham House, Lewes,

-March 12-15 Affordable Art Fair (with Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)

-February 2015 Works on Paper, Science Museum, Lomdon (with Nicholas Bowlby Gallery).

-January 2015 January Art Sale, Naked Eye Gallery, Hove

-December  2015 Winter exhibition, Mayor’s Parlour Gallery, London

-December 2014: The Wolf’s Winter Pop-up: local artists, writers and craftsmen

-October 24-Nov 4 2014, Sense and Serendipity: joint exhibition with Gail Gibson Tait, William Nicholson Gallery, Rottingdean.

-October 2014, Affordable Art Fair, Battersea (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery).

-June 2014, Chelsea Fringe at Sussex Prairies.

-June 2014, Affordable Art Fair, Hampstead

-March 2014, Affordable Art Fair, Battersea

-December 4-5 Christmas Exhibition, Wolf at the Door

-June 1 2013 onwards Plants Fruits Shoots and Leaves; solo exhibition, Sussex Prairies, Henfield (artist in residence)..

-12-16 June Affordable Art Fair Hampstead (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)
-9-12 May 20/21 International Art Fair Islington (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)
-May 2013 Artists’ Open House, Brighton Festival
-March 5-10 Affordable Art Fair Battersea (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)
-February/March 2013 ‘Telling Tales: The Art of Communication’ at The Wolf at the Door for the Brighton Science Festival-September 2012 Unusual Plant and Art Fair, Sussex Prairies
-August 2012 Cork St Open Exhibition
-May 2012 Artists’ Open House, Wolf at the Door, short-listed for the Festival’s Best Open House
-May 2011 Artists’ Open House, Wolf at the Door
-2010-2011 Designed a medieval curative garden based on a mappemonde for Dilston Physic Garden, near Hexham, Northumberland. Some of my work on permanent display in the garden
-August-September 2010: Global warming and recycling at Pelham House Gallery, Lewes  (part of Artwave): two-artist exhibition
-May 2010: Artists’ Open House, Wolf at the Door
-December 2009: Open Studio, Hove
-June 2009: Seeds of Change: three-artist exhibition, Carre Gallery, Sleaford
-June 2009: Art on the Map Summer Exhibition, Stamford Arts Centre
-April 18-19, 25-26 2009: Lincolnshire Art on the Map: Open Studios: One-month solo show.
-6 December 2008 – 31 January 2009: From the Vales to the Fens: I organised and curated this 15-artist Art on the Map exhibition at Grantham Museum and Art Gallery
-August-September 2008: Coming Around Again, Harding House Gallery, Lincoln
-August 2008: Artist of the month, solo show at Due South, Brighton

A couple of online features:
-June 2008: Artist of the month for the global project One Million Points of Light: http://www.onemillionpointsoflight.com/feature.php
Interview June 2008 with the online arts journal FirstAngel:

Earlier Shows
-Summer 2008: Three Art on the Map summer events: Spout Yard, Fotherby; Hackthorn Hall; ForgeArts Gallery, Hackthorn
-June 2008: Art in the Garden, Hall Farm, Harpswell, part of the SAP Sculpture weekends with the Ropewalk Gallery, Barton-on-Humber
-23 April- 24 May 2008, Chance or Design? (solo exhibition), Spotlight Gallery, Newark Town Hall, Notts
-May 2008, Brighton and Hove Open Houses (Brighton Festival), Collectors’ Selection
-December 2007-January 2008 End of year show, Ropewalk Museum and Gallery, Barton-on-Humber
-December 2007 Open Studio (Art on the Map), Grantham
-2 November-9 December 2007 ARTicles of Association, ForgeArts Gallery, Lincs (three-artist show with creation of a combined Exquisite Corpse)
-August-September 2007 SeeIt! Open Exhibition, The Hub, National Centre for Craft and Design, Sleaford
-June-August 2007 Humber to the Wash: Open Art Exhibition, Ropewalk Gallery
-June 2007 Garden Sculpture weekend, Aubourn Hall, near Lincoln
-April – June 2007 Tree of Life, Ropewalk Gallery (solo exhibition), plus workshop on collage
-January-April 2007 Snowdrops and Spring Exhibition, Pierrepont Gallery, Notts
-November 2006 Open Art Competition, Willoughby Memorial Trust Gallery, Lincs, (Awarded 1st prize, professional class)
-October-November 2006 The DNA of Pattern, Willoughby Memorial Gallery (solo exhibition )
-June 2004, 2005, 2006 Hall Farm Garden SAP, with Ropewalk Gallery,
-May/June annually Art on the Map (Lincolnshire Open Studios)
-January-March 2006 Images of Spring (Three-artist exhibition) Pierrepont Gallery, Notts
-August 2006 Envirofest, Rufford Abbey, Notts
-March 2006 Recycle It , Culross Pottery and Gallery, Fife
-2005 Open Exhibition, Pierrepont Gallery, (Awarded East Midlands Contemporary Art Society prize)
-December 2004-January 2005 Patterns of Life, Nuneaton Museum and Gallery, (solo exhibition)
-Feb-March 2004 Patterns of Nature (solo exhibition), Whisby Nature Centre, Lincs
-2003 The Nature of Things (solo exhibition), Sam Scorer Gallery, Lincoln

Other solo shows include:

On the First Day of Christmas (Spotlight Gallery, Newark Town Hall), The Nature of Things, (Bull Yard Gallery, Southwell), Jill Tattersall, A+ Gallery (Newark); also Spring Exhibition: Three-artist show, Pierrepont Gallery, Thoresby, Notts.
Art fairs, charity events etc including Harley Gallery (Notts), British Craft and Art Fair (Harrogate, with Design Factory), Art Garden (Bristol), Art Works (Newcastle), Union (Grantham), Kesteven Children in Need (Denton), The Picture House (Sandbach), Tsunami Art Auction (Leicester), Art in the Right Place (Islington), postcard auctions Nottingham University, MS Trust, Martlets Hospice and many others….

Commissions. workshops, projects, talks

I have done commissions and run many workshops for adults and children. Clients have included libraries, schools, arts organisations, museums and galleries and private clubs and groups.

Past examples:
-A 30? mixed media concertina book made over ten days at Sussex Prairies gardens based on its flora, fauna and events. I also led workshops on Matisse-influenced cut-outs and make-a-postcard  sessions for adults and children.
-a 6-week handmade personal/memory book project for disadvantaged children with two Lincolnshire primary schools; A teenage project over several weeks designing and making a large art work for Grantham Library.
-Workshop-based project for the National Trust on Newton: Science and Art at Newton’s birthplace in Colsterworth: pupils from primary school age to ‘A’ level;
-project with infants on Seeing Dragons in the Clouds for the National Centre for Craft and Design, Sleaford, for national exhibition.
Belton Library, Grantham Library: several seasons of workshops on assorted topics. Grantham Museum: Experiments with colour, Experiments with Collage, Experiments with Mixed media.
-Art/collage workshops and projects for adults at the Ropewalk Gallery, Rufford Art Society, Retford Art Club and similar organisations.
Brighton Science Festival: various all-day sculpture sessions for adults and children.

Arts organisation: I’ve organised and curated numerous multi-artist exhibitions and been involved in regional Open Studios organisation and representation in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Brighton.

Awards. I don’t enter many competitions –  time-consuming, and it ties up work.  A few examples: City and Guilds design work (Design and Ceramics) shortlisted for a medal. Open Art Competition, Willoughby Memorial Gallery, Lincs, 2006 (1st prize, professional class). Open Exhibition, Pierrepont Gallery, Notts, 2005 (Contemporary Art Society prize). Work selected for the Cork St Open Exhibition in 2012. Paintings shortlisted for NOAC in 2016/2017; work shortlisted for the 2018 WIA Emerging Woman Painter prize.

I write a fairly regular blog on my website and have a frequently updated Facebook artist page, plus one for The Wolf at the Door.

The Nature of Things My very first major solo show, Lincoln, 2003: pictures long since sold!

Sam Scorer Gallery, Lincoln, 2003

Sam Scorer Gallery, Lincoln, 2003




-Ongoing: Night Sky paintings at Blossom St Gallery, York, part of joint exhibition (below), awaiting gallery reopening.

4 weekends in June 2021, Artists’ Open House (Brighton Festival)  at Art in Bloom, Hove

– 8 December-end January 2021, Immersed.  Exhibition by Westside Artists, Village Gallery, York. This show is up in the gallery; work can be seen and bought online here.

-13th December, 10-5, York River Art Market online:  #yramathome @yorkriverartmarket. Work, large and small, at special low prices.

The following events were cancelled or postponed:

– 2021 Paper Festival , 3-month exhibition at Manchester Central Library

-1 to 29 December, Solo exhibition: new work, Upstairs Gallery, City Screen (Picture House, York): this exhibition has been postponed owing to Coronavirus.

-13-14, 20-21 June, 2020  Art in the Garden, Wolf at the Door, York

-2-3, 9-10, 16-17, 23-24 May 2020, Artists’ Open House (Brighton Festival) at Art in Bloom, Hove

18-19, 25-26 April 2020 York Open Studios 2020, Wolf at the Door, York

4-5 April York Open Studios Taster Exhibition, St Saviour’s, St Saviourgate, York

Events before lockdown:

-13th-27 July: Art Below. A billboard poster of my painting, ‘Seaside Past’,  on display this summer at Hyde Park Corner Tube Station, London

-16-26th July Art below Summer Show, Ad-Lib Gallery, Chelsea

-15 February – 26 April  Open Exhibition, Ferens Gallery, Hull

-15 January – end February, Urban Decay, Blossom St Gallery, York

-14 January – 24 February, Two-artist exhibition, Angel on the Green, York, with Lesley Peatfield, photographer

-17 January – 23 February 2020 York Artworkers Association,  Pyramid Gallery, York

-11 January – 27 February 2020 Anne Bronte p.200:  200 Artists, 200 pages, Woodend, Scarborough

Flux Review, inaugural issue, featured artist

– 1 December, Open Studio at Wolf at the Door, York

– 6 April 2019 – 5th February 2020 ‘Positive Emotions‘, Kunsthuis Gallery, Crayke, N Yorks

– 4th-27th May 2019 Artists’ Open House (Brighton Festival) with  Art in Bloom, Hove

Nigel Rose Gallery, Brighton. Paintings   regularly on view at the gallery

– 6th-7th and 13th-14th April 2019 York Open Studios, York

mini-interviews, Flux Exhibition

Jackson’s art blog, interview

– March 14th-17th 2019 FLUX exhibition, The National Army Museum, Chelsea

-31st October-11th November 2018 Art: a Personal Choice, Babylon Gallery, Ely

-18-21 October 2018 Affordable Art Fair, Battersea (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)

-25th-29th  July 2018, Holly Bush Emerging Woman Painter Prize 2019, Burgh House, Hampstead (finalist)

-5th-28th May 2018 Artists’ Open House (Brighton Festival) at Wolf at the Door, Hove

-8th-13th May 2018, Perspectives, Espacio Gallery, Shoreditch, London

-11th-15th April 2018 FLUX Exhibition, Chelsea College of Arts, London

-21st February-4th March 2018 Seascapes and Waterways, Burgh House, Hampstead

-25th November-10th December 2017: Nigel Rose Gallery, King’s Rd Arches, Brighton : seven paintings on show for Artists’ Open House.

-9th-10th December 2017 The Wolf’s Winter Weekend, Wolf at the Door, Hove.

-27th-29th October Art&York  2017, York Racecourse

art show in York UK

Art& show, York

– October 19th-22nd 2017 Affordable Art Fair, Battersea (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)

Battersea Art Show

‘Murmuration 2 ‘ at the Affordable Art Fair

Murmurations 2 shortlisted for the National Open Art Competition 2017

-22nd June-22nd  July   Art Below Summer Show, Mayfair (rose&king gallery)

Night Sky Oct 14th 1066 on show  (Night Sky 1066 poster on show in Regent’s Park Underground Station).

Art Below, Regent’s Park Station

– 10th-14th May  Affordable Art Fair, Hampstead (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)

-A nine-minute film about me and my work made for Latest TV by Katerina Nemcova, https://mab.to/6Un9JyJsv

-6th-29th May Artists’ Open House  (Brighton Festival) at Wolf at the Door

New collage work

New work in the garden room: ‘New Life’ series.

-9th-12th March Affordable Art Fair, Battersea (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)

-17th-19th March  Talented Art Fair, Old Truman Brewery, London

art fair stand

Jill’s work at TAF

-18-30th November  Winter Exhibition Amanda Aldous Fine Art, Basingstoke

-20-23rd October Affordable Art Fair,  Battersea, London.

-October 9-23 Reading the Heavens, solo exhibition, Battle Memorial Halls: featuring  Night Sky October 14th 1066  made to commemorate the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings. Bordered by panels based on the Bayeux Tapestry.

Town Cryer at exhibition

The Battle Town Cryer

Recent articles on my current  1066 painting and Night Sky exhibition: Sussex Life,   Reading the heavens: Sussex Life ; and Hastings Online Times:  Reading the Heavens

-September 1- 22 Opportunities, L ‘Artishe Gallery, Swanage

-August: Murmuration, Before the Storm shortlisted for the National Open Art Competition

– July 25-August 29 2016, I Must go Down to the Sea Again, Harding House Gallery, Lincoln. (eight seascapes/sea-related paintings  on show ).

-July 16/17 2016 Art and Gardens, Wolf at the Door; paintings and 3-D work

-April 30-May 30 2016 Artists’ Open House, Wolf at the Door, Brighton Festival-

-November 28-29th 2015 Wolf Pop-up: Christmas show-March 2016 Affordable Art Fair, Battersea

November 2015 Pecha-kucha about my work at Towner Gallery, Eastbourne, for the Blue Monkey Artists’ Network,

– October 2015 Telling Tales, month-long solo exhibition, Abbey Hotel, Battle.  Included a special commentary on each of the 30 paintings, specially prepared for Battle Festival

-August-September 2015 Green Tree Gallery, Borde Hill, autumn exhibition

-May 2015 Artists’ Open House, Wolf at the Door, Brighton Festival

-May 28- July 6 Seeing Words, Marking Time Terre Verte Gallery, Launceston, Cornwall

-April 1-May 12 2015 Jill Tattersall and Marc Greco, joint exhibition, Pelham House, Lewes,

-March 12-15 Affordable Art Fair (with Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)

-February 2015 Works on Paper, Science Museum, Lomdon (with Nicholas Bowlby Gallery).

-January 2015 January Art Sale, Naked Eye Gallery, Hove

-December  2015 Winter exhibition, Mayor’s Parlour Gallery, London

-December 2014: The Wolf’s Winter Pop-up: local artists, writers and craftsmen

-October 24-Nov 4 2014, Sense and Serendipity: joint exhibition with Gail Gibson Tait, William Nicholson Gallery, Rottingdean.

-October 2014, Affordable Art Fair, Battersea (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery).

-June 2014, Chelsea Fringe at Sussex Prairies.

-June 2014, Affordable Art Fair, Hampstead

-March 2014, Affordable Art Fair, Battersea

-December 4-5 Christmas Exhibition, Wolf at the Door

-June 1 2013 onwards Plants Fruits Shoots and Leaves; solo exhibition, Sussex Prairies, Henfield (artist in residence)..

-12-16 June Affordable Art Fair Hampstead (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)
-9-12 May 20/21 International Art Fair Islington (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)
-May 2013 Artists’ Open House, Brighton Festival
-March 5-10 Affordable Art Fair Battersea (Nicholas Bowlby Gallery)
-February/March 2013 ‘Telling Tales: The Art of Communication’ at The Wolf at the Door for the Brighton Science Festival-September 2012 Unusual Plant and Art Fair, Sussex Prairies
-August 2012 Cork St Open Exhibition
-May 2012 Artists’ Open House, Wolf at the Door, short-listed for the Festival’s Best Open House
-May 2011 Artists’ Open House, Wolf at the Door
-2010-2011 Designed a medieval curative garden based on a mappemonde for Dilston Physic Garden, near Hexham, Northumberland. Some of my work on permanent display in the garden
-August-September 2010: Global warming and recycling at Pelham House Gallery, Lewes  (part of Artwave): two-artist exhibition
-May 2010: Artists’ Open House, Wolf at the Door
-December 2009: Open Studio, Hove
-June 2009: Seeds of Change: three-artist exhibition, Carre Gallery, Sleaford
-June 2009: Art on the Map Summer Exhibition, Stamford Arts Centre
-April 18-19, 25-26 2009: Lincolnshire Art on the Map: Open Studios: One-month solo show.
-6 December 2008 – 31 January 2009: From the Vales to the Fens: I organised and curated this 15-artist Art on the Map exhibition at Grantham Museum and Art Gallery
-August-September 2008: Coming Around Again, Harding House Gallery, Lincoln
-August 2008: Artist of the month, solo show at Due South, Brighton

A couple of online features:
-June 2008: Artist of the month for the global project One Million Points of Light: http://www.onemillionpointsoflight.com/feature.php
Interview June 2008 with the online arts journal FirstAngel:

Earlier Shows
-Summer 2008: Three Art on the Map summer events: Spout Yard, Fotherby; Hackthorn Hall; ForgeArts Gallery, Hackthorn
-June 2008: Art in the Garden, Hall Farm, Harpswell, part of the SAP Sculpture weekends with the Ropewalk Gallery, Barton-on-Humber
-23 April- 24 May 2008, Chance or Design? (solo exhibition), Spotlight Gallery, Newark Town Hall, Notts
-May 2008, Brighton and Hove Open Houses (Brighton Festival), Collectors’ Selection
-December 2007-January 2008 End of year show, Ropewalk Museum and Gallery, Barton-on-Humber
-December 2007 Open Studio (Art on the Map), Grantham
-2 November-9 December 2007 ARTicles of Association, ForgeArts Gallery, Lincs (three-artist show with creation of a combined Exquisite Corpse)
-August-September 2007 SeeIt! Open Exhibition, The Hub, National Centre for Craft and Design, Sleaford
-June-August 2007 Humber to the Wash: Open Art Exhibition, Ropewalk Gallery
-June 2007 Garden Sculpture weekend, Aubourn Hall, near Lincoln
-April – June 2007 Tree of Life, Ropewalk Gallery (solo exhibition), plus workshop on collage
-January-April 2007 Snowdrops and Spring Exhibition, Pierrepont Gallery, Notts
-November 2006 Open Art Competition, Willoughby Memorial Trust Gallery, Lincs, (Awarded 1st prize, professional class)
-October-November 2006 The DNA of Pattern, Willoughby Memorial Gallery (solo exhibition )
-June 2004, 2005, 2006 Hall Farm Garden SAP, with Ropewalk Gallery,
-May/June annually Art on the Map (Lincolnshire Open Studios)
-January-March 2006 Images of Spring (Three-artist exhibition) Pierrepont Gallery, Notts
-August 2006 Envirofest, Rufford Abbey, Notts
-March 2006 Recycle It , Culross Pottery and Gallery, Fife
-2005 Open Exhibition, Pierrepont Gallery, (Awarded East Midlands Contemporary Art Society prize)
-December 2004-January 2005 Patterns of Life, Nuneaton Museum and Gallery, (solo exhibition)
-Feb-March 2004 Patterns of Nature (solo exhibition), Whisby Nature Centre, Lincs
-2003 The Nature of Things (solo exhibition), Sam Scorer Gallery, Lincoln

Other solo shows include:

On the First Day of Christmas (Spotlight Gallery, Newark Town Hall), The Nature of Things, (Bull Yard Gallery, Southwell), Jill Tattersall, A+ Gallery (Newark); also Spring Exhibition: Three-artist show, Pierrepont Gallery, Thoresby, Notts.
Art fairs, charity events etc including Harley Gallery (Notts), British Craft and Art Fair (Harrogate, with Design Factory), Art Garden (Bristol), Art Works (Newcastle), Union (Grantham), Kesteven Children in Need (Denton), The Picture House (Sandbach), Tsunami Art Auction (Leicester), Art in the Right Place (Islington), postcard auctions Nottingham University, MS Trust, Martlets Hospice and many others….

Commissions. workshops, projects, talks

I have done commissions and run many workshops for adults and children. Clients have included libraries, schools, arts organisations, museums and galleries and private clubs and groups.

Past examples:
-A 30? mixed media concertina book made over ten days at Sussex Prairies gardens based on its flora, fauna and events. I also led workshops on Matisse-influenced cut-outs and make-a-postcard  sessions for adults and children.
-a 6-week handmade personal/memory book project for disadvantaged children with two Lincolnshire primary schools; A teenage project over several weeks designing and making a large art work for Grantham Library.
-Workshop-based project for the National Trust on Newton: Science and Art at Newton’s birthplace in Colsterworth: pupils from primary school age to ‘A’ level;
-project with infants on Seeing Dragons in the Clouds for the National Centre for Craft and Design, Sleaford, for national exhibition.
Belton Library, Grantham Library: several seasons of workshops on assorted topics. Grantham Museum: Experiments with colour, Experiments with Collage, Experiments with Mixed media.
-Art/collage workshops and projects for adults at the Ropewalk Gallery, Rufford Art Society, Retford Art Club and similar organisations.
Brighton Science Festival: various all-day sculpture sessions for adults and children.

Arts organisation: I’ve organised and curated numerous multi-artist exhibitions and been involved in regional Open Studios organisation and representation in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Brighton.

Awards. I don’t enter many competitions –  time-consuming, and it ties up work.  A few examples: City and Guilds design work (Design and Ceramics) shortlisted for a medal. Open Art Competition, Willoughby Memorial Gallery, Lincs, 2006 (1st prize, professional class). Open Exhibition, Pierrepont Gallery, Notts, 2005 (Contemporary Art Society prize). Work selected for the Cork St Open Exhibition in 2012. Paintings shortlisted for NOAC in 2016/2017; work shortlisted for the 2018 WIA Emerging Woman Painter prize.

I write a fairly regular blog on my website and have a frequently updated Facebook artist page, plus one for The Wolf at the Door.

The Nature of Things My very first major solo show, Lincoln, 2003: pictures long since sold!

Sam Scorer Gallery, Lincoln, 2003

Sam Scorer Gallery, Lincoln, 2003





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Gallery: Recent Work

Alternative Worlds Transient Nature Evolution in Blue
Evening Haven (sold) Harvest Moon (sold) Light on the Haven (sold)
What If? New Life 2 New Life 1

Lots more images in main Gallery

Rise Art




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