Tag Archives: textiles

Ironing is Pants! An art project with a difference.

Ironing is Pants!

Ironing is Pants!

This has been a really bitty summer.  Lots of interesting things, lots of chores, a few disappointments, lots of obligations,  a few mishaps, some fascinating new scenes and places.  A cross-section of life, yes, but all mixed up together in rather a strong dose.

So I thought I’d do a few short individual posts to catch up on some of the little projects I’ve slipped in here and there.  A bit frivolous, a bit fun, a bit apart from the daily grind.

And, yes, my nearest and dearest know I dislike ironing.  Not so much dislike, really, it’s just there are always so many more urgent or important things to do.  This duster encapsulates my feelings about it.

There is a more serious side to it.  I made it as a contribution to Vanessa Marr’s Women and Domesticity project, where she induced people (yes, some men included) to stitch a duster with some of their thoughts about houshold chores.  The result was hilarious, serious, unexpectedly touching and thought-provoking.  Mine was a quick, rough-and-ready affair but some of the dusters were works of art and/or quite poignant.

Vaness with dusters

Vaness with dusters

Men at work

Men at work

'It's so much more fun with a feather duster!' (Judith Berrill)

‘It’s so much more fun with a feather duster!’ (Judith Berrill)


To see more: Women and Domesticity