You’ve been framed

New work just framed

So far so good. Framed, sitting flat for safety.

Now all I’ve got to do is measure them, label them, D-ring and string them – and, hardest of all – price them. This I really hate. They are labour-intensive and time-consuming. But I want people to enjoy them and not see them as a commodity, to be able to afford to buy one even if they’re not wealthy. And even if I could and did give them away it would instantly reduce their ‘value’!

It’s lovely when someone comes back and asks for another piece – although I wish I knew where all my work was. Germany, Tasmania, France, US I know – but there must be hundreds of my pieces throughout the UK, in private and even a few public collections. It would be so interesting to have a map!

I’ve left my feet in the snapshot to give scale but it’s a bit misleading as the picture is foreshortened; the pieces are quite large.