The Way We Live Now: Pay

The Way, Pay

In London last night, computerless, so this is yesterday’s square, Pay.

No need to say much; there’s a pay and pensions cauldron bubbling away right now and sooner or later it will boil over. (That’ll be the moment to post the square Strike !) If strikes there are, they will surely be born more of fear than greed.

Of course people feared for their pensions in 2003 too, then…the stock market went up and the hole in the pension funds melted away. Magic! (But did anyone who had lived even through the 80s and 90s actually think it was anything but a conjuring trick?)

As well as painting, printing and writing, I used stitching to ‘draw’ on most of these squares. I wanted the piece to resemble a patchwork quilt. When traditionally made of scraps and remnants and worn-out oddments – rather than specially-bought pieces of cloth – a quilt is literally a pattern of life and experience, one shake of the kaleidoscope. I hope there’s a bit of good mixed in with the bad here, even though as we all know newspaper headlines are not the same as real life!